Welcome to the website of the GGP Belgium research programme.

Generations and Gender Programme Belgium, GGP Belgium for short, is part of the international research programme Generations and Gender Programme, launched by the United Nations (UNECE - PAU) in 2000 and in the meantime implemented in several countries. The Generations and Gender Programme mainly aims at better understanding the demographic and social developments and the factors that influence these developments, in order to make contributions to basic social science research and policy support studies. GGP Belgium is made up of a large-scale survey, the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS), on the one hand, and a contextual database (CDB) with macro-level data, on the other hand.


All information about GGP Belgium is accessible through this website. It contains research results as well as the necessary information to use the data by yourself and to conduct your own research.






10-06-2013 GGP Belgium Policy Brief, 6 Partage du travail domestique : des évolutions, peut-être; des résistances, sûrement (NL/FR) (June 2013)
10-06-2013 GGP Belgium Policy Brief, 5 Départ du nid familial : des constantes et des contrastes (NL/FR) (June 2013)
27-11-2012 GGP bibliography. .
03-09-2012 GGP Belgium Paper Series, 5 Wave 1 Item non-response. .
27-08-2012 GGP Belgium Policy Brief, 4: La participation des femmes et des hommes au marché du travail: l'ecart se creuse nettement après la naissance d'un enfant (NL/FR) (February 2012)
27-08-2012 GGP Belgium Policy Brief, 3: Sur 100 belges âgés de 40 à 70 ans, 5 n'ont encore jamais eu de relation stable (NL/FR) (August 2012)
18-01-2012 GGP Belgium Policy Brief, 2: La participation des femmes peu qualifiées au marché du
travail après la naissance d’un enfant (NL/FR) (January 2012)
13-01-2012 GGP Belgium Policy Brief, 1: Les relations des belges (NL/FR) (October 2011)
20-09-2011 Press Release: Generations and Gender Survey Belgium (GGS) – first results available
20-09-2011 GGP Belgium Paper Series, 6 Households and families: Stability and fast developments go hand in hand.
20-09-2011 Generations & Gender Programme (UNECE)